Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Energy Inside

The yogi's entire path is inside and the path is these energies..

Michael A. Singer

 I woke up this morning thinking about vibrational energy. More or less confined to bed yesterday because of a rough night with abdominal pain and subsequent dehydration ( I did get to the root of the pain I was experiencing over the last year in my left upper quadrant though),   I was listening to Ram Dass speak about energy.  

All we see and experience is energy vibrating at different rates.  Our thoughts are energy that vibrate faster than light so we cannot yet measure them with our gadgets in a lab...feelings are even faster.  In thoughts and emotions we have energies that are heavier bringing us "down"...meaning that when our consciousness follows them , It stays in the low energy vibration. There is a perceived absence of  light. We will then feel "low", physically  and mentally. And we have energies that are lighter bringing us "up"...when consciousness follows them and stays with those things we are vibrating at higher level. There is the experience  of light and "lightness"/ease. 

I obviously by my rambles about the dark night and malingering malignant moods , have been vibrating at the lower energy levels. The people around me are vibrating at that low energy level.  The whole house seems to be full of this low energy....thus my desire to escape it as if it were the cause of my experience of  low energy. It seems that this low energy state is impacting not only my mental health but my physical. I have had the experience of being physically incapacitated twice in as many weeks. It is so heavy!

Anyway, I awoke this morning with an intention to better understand vibrational energy in order to  lift the energy levels up in me and in this house.  In an attempt to lift the energy within me a bit, both for my sake and the sake of others around me, I began by doing  two guided meditations designed to lift vibrational energy.  Then I went to the "studying" component of my daily sadhana and opened up the Sunday talk from Michael A. Singer.  Guess what he was talking about? Energies.  Again there are the guiding hands of serendipity and synchronicity at play.

The funny thing was that I was thinking about how I could lift the vibrations externally.  Should I leave the house for a while?  Should I go out in the wilderness like a survivalists and consort with nature  in the purest of ways?  Should I simply sage my house? Maybe Fung shui it (or just clean it and get rid of junk)? Should I put the positive energy music  on throughout the day  like I used to?  Should I focus my thoughts on positive things?  Should I create a dreamboard of some kind so my vision and senses are focused on what is achieved at higher levels? Where can I go or what can I do to get the experience of more sunlight ( like it has been raining here with mostly persistent cloud cover for almost a month)?  What can I add to my life?  What can I get rid of? 

So I was thinking of all that when I opened up the podcast. I was beautifully reminded, however, that working with energy is purely an inside game.  It is not a game of choosing and selecting energy experiences "out there" that will improve our energy "in here"; it is not about grasping, clinging and pushing away;  and it is not about suppressing energy in the  name of "spirituality".  It is simply about letting the energies, in whatever form they are in, to just come up to our conscious awareness when they are ready to do so, so we can "experience" them fully and then we let them go.  When I use thought to organize and control my energies, as I have been attempting to do,  I am not doing the yogic thing. All thought patterns are attempting to get [and keep] these energies together but the yogi doesn't get it together...they just let it all go. 

Hmm!  I will let the energies be and remain open to them coming up to my conscious awareness more fully. I might still sage the house though.  Even if all that does is get rid of the smell of wet dog. 

All is well 

Michael A. Singer /Temple of the Universe ( July 9,2023) Working With Your Inner Energies.

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