What is the purest service? When one knows they cannot serve God and man [ego] at same time...just serve the God in every being.
Ram Dass ( somewhat paraphrased)
The podcast below is speaking mostly to serving the God in every man...be they a thriving capitalist or a starving refuge, an inmate accused and strongly sentenced for a mild crime or the accuser ( individual and collective), the political activist trying to change the status quo or those identified with and invested in the status quo, and in those enlightened beings or those far from evolved ones. I like to extend that idea of service to all beings and all things. God is everywhere, right?
I want to serve humanity for sure. We do that best by taming our minds and our reactivity, putting away our judgements and preferences and simply recognizing the God in everyone.
I want to take this approach to all beings. My crows are back with their young and it it is such a pleasure to serve them. They attempt to wake me up each morning by squawking and cawing outside my window...(yes, they know which window is mine). I will sometimes oblige them then and other times I won't depending on how badly I need the sleep. When I do feed them...either because they are out there waiting or I call them...it is a joy to serve with just a few cat food kibbles and to watch them collect my meager offerings. There is one of the parents I seem particularly connected to...was here before he/she mated and had a family. Well after feeding time is over and the others are gone, I will sit outside and this crow will sit very, very close to me on the wire above my head and we will just sit there together for quite a while. (Was close to an hour last evening). It is so cool. I see and serve the God in this crow and he/she, with their presence, sees and serves the God in me.
All is well.
Ram Dass/ Be Here Now Network ( 2017?) Ram Dass Here and Now-Episode 13- Fast Forward https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4wJttWjJkA
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