Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Learning to Let the Human Part of Experience Go

Devote your Life to something much greater than your little self

Michael A. Singer ( somewhat paraphrased??...not sure)

Are you at the point of your learning where you can appreciate and honor every experience Life hands you as a gift? Where you can recognize and be in awe of everything that unfolds in front of you even if it is an illness, a "loss" , and accident or a "broken heart"? Have you returned, yet, to the natural state of who you are?  Is your body expressing wellness? Is your mind expressing freedom from negativity, resistance, reactivity, judgement etc? And is your soul expressing the lightness and free flow of inspiration and creativity , love and joy as sat chit ananda because it has been unburdened of the samskaras personal mind has buried it under? 

Big questions, I know,  but whether we know it conceptually or not this is where we are heading and this is where we want to be as human beings.  We are more being than human and the process of realizing that and living that is our mission...(if there is such a thing as a purpose or mission to this existence). 

I am obviously not there yet.  But I did decide to focus more on the "being"  part of this life I have been given than the the "human" part.  I know I cannot deny the "human" in me.  I see the very active ego...the body I am in...the personality etc...that make me human but I am starting to realize that is such a tiny part of who I am.  It seemed like all I was, for decades, becasue it was all I was focusing on with my narrow angle lense but I am beginning to see how small it is, and what I have been neglecting to see when I was so focused on "me". There is so, so much more. Hmm!

That is my sadhana, my practice, my learning, now...to remove the addictive and restrictive attention from this human "me" and place it more on the "being" beneath these mind made concepts.  I want to return to the natural state of who I really am.

It is a process, let me tell ya, but I am getting there.  I really, really am.  I hope you are too.

All is well 

Inspired By: 

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( July 24, 2023) Working at the Root- Releasing Your Inner Problems. https://tou.org/talks/

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