Let go of expectations and live in alignment with what is.
Eckhart Tolle
I have been coming to this place, the last few mornings, full of ideas and inspiration about things I want to write about only to face the blank page to say, "Huh? I don't know what I want to write about."
Let's just see what comes out, shall we?
I have been slipping in and out of attachment/resistance to my life situation. One moment I am as open and as peaceful as can be regardless of what is happening around me. I find myself looking at the behaviour of individuals that would definitely be considered by societal terms worthy of my upset and resistance...with an accepting and non-judgemental openness I cannot even understand.
And the next moment I find myself irritable and reactive to things I would not normally react to. At those times, I feel myself closing up as the tightness in my gut becomes my chief body sensation. My mind automatically goes on a hunt for the cause of my grievance and resentment..."out there". It is easy, these days, to find someone or something to pin it all on. But is that what I want to do? Will that bring me what I really want and need? No.
It will bring a great story, lots of exciting drama to share with others. It will feed the ego. If I were to share it will likely bring all the responses ego thrives on from others and they will likely validate my reason for resentment. Resentment will grow. The sense of "me" as the victim will also grow...the sense of "me" period will grow. I will find myself clinging to the story, to the drama, to the grievances, to the rationalizations, the resentment and the situation will grow out of proportion in my mind. I will be stressed and angry, dominated by a story mind created...and far from my peaceful center.
Just Let Go!
And all this will ensue unnecessarily when all I ever had to do was "Let go". Let go of my resentment before it built up into story. Let go of my need for resentment in the first place. Let go of my judgements about what is good, what is bad, what is a right way for people to behave and what is a wrong way. Let go of my expectations for others and people to be a certain way; for relationships to be a certain way. Let go of a desire to close!
Hmmm! That doesn't mean I sit back and say or do nothing about the situation. I can share objective feedback and information about what I am observing and experiencing. I can express my desire for change ( even if change does not occur, as I fear it won't) . I can once again assert my rights and needs.
I can then sit back and watch to see if Life unfolds a different way...while I expect or demand nothing of it.Without expectations there will be no resentment. Without the added burden of a resenting story...I can evalauate the situation clearly from a higher place. I will see myself in the others and see them in me...Maybe I will be guided then to do something different and maybe I won't be.
We will see!
Resentment is a Choice!
We choose resentment people...it doesn't choose us. If we resist what Life offers us...just because those things or people in our experience do not meet the expectations we have established in our psyches...resentment can follow. Resentment is a sure sign that we have closed our hearts to others and to Life.
Let go! Let go and let your heart open not just for all those around you but for you!
Well I guess I did have something to write about after all.
All is well
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