Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Hasty Judgements?

 How little do they see what really is, who frame their hasty judgements on that which seems.

Daniel Webster (Brainy quote of the day...

Do you make hasty judgements?  Are they based solely on what seems to be real to you? Do you ever stop to ask yourself, just when you are about to assume something about another or something, "Hmm! Could I be seeing unclearly?  Is it possible that what I am about judge is not exactly as it appears to be?  Could the  anger, resentment, or fear that is being released with some old memories be blurring the real picture for me? Would it be best to pull back my desire to plant a "right or wrong", "good or bad", and my "should and should not" label down on whatever I am witnessing? Would it be best to consider that what I am about to judge is not as real as it seems?"


I often fail to stop and ask myself those questions when I am looking out upon the world before me. I reactively go around with my invisible label puncher slapping judgements on the experiences I am having with things and other people. People get hurt when I do that.  I get hurt becasue I am not being true to my Self....the part of me that does not label or judge. I have to remind myself, in my yet to be evolved state,   I may not be seeing clearly.  Hmmm!

Just be aware of that possibility.  Do not judge yourself harshly or hastily either for judging. It is a human tendency. Just quietly step back and observe your self starting to judge or getting lost in judgement and gently coax yourself back. 

It is process of committed practice and learning that eliminates this tendency we have towards hasty judgements and that takes us to the place where we can see what really is. 

All is well

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