Friday, August 28, 2020

Seeing and Hearing Through the Wall

And since he kept his mind on one soul aim,
Nor ever touched fierce wine, nor tasted flesh.
Not owned a sensual wish-to him the wall
That saunders ghosts and shadow-casting men
Became a crystal, and he saw them thro'it
And heard their voices talk behind the wall
And learned their elemental secrets, powers and forces.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson : Merlin and Vivien 
Wow! I love that.  I love Tennyson and was reminded of his greatness from this passage Andersen used.  I see him as a being, like the infamous character of Camelot, a man who somehow could see beyond the wall that separates the visible from the invisible.  I see that gift in many great poets...this ability to hear the  powers and forces so few can hear.  This gift allows them to open up to all the secrets hidden beneath what we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell so it pours out on the page so seemingly effortlessly.  I see it in great poets but I know it could be something we all can do, once we let go of our ideas of lack and limitation and have more faith in the unseen, more faith in the power within us so it can just come through us.  
Hmmm!  All is well. 

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