Saturday, August 15, 2020

Choosing to View Rightly

The Way is not in the sky, the Way is in the heart.
The Buddha

Another Dream/Desire Arising

Was away, as the pics will soon reflect, observing and experiencing another part of the external world...another part of  this amazing and beautiful province I was born and raised in.  I even thought for a moment ...maybe I will start a travel blog...maybe my source of external income (that this human part of me is in desperate need of now being that what I worked so hard to create as a source of income to get me through the next couple of years ...a small rental space downstairs and a yoga studio ...has been reduced to income- less ventures because of COVID ), will be in the writing of a travel blog.  I could do three things I love to do...take pics and write and travel at the same time.  I could still write about the things that really interested three go to topics/ themes ...while I made money doing the travel blog . The author of E2 and E3 started out as a travel writer.  Why can't I? D. and I even got a little excited about the prospect ...Wouldn't that be cool?  It is just nice to think about it...without getting attached to any outcomes.

Accepting What Is

Right now in this moment, however,  I am not a travel blogger/writer.  I am a woman living on a very fixed pension, seeking a second source of income...and...being perfectly okay with it all. At this point...despite the losses, D., I and the adult children who are once again dependent on me because of circumstances are all getting by and we are  living with more comfort than many on this planet have at the moment.   I have little regret when I get beyond ego whining which I am able to do more and more. My present life is not as exciting as the one the  dream of being a travel writer offers me in a future that may never come but it is good just the same.   So that actually makes me grateful for everything that has transpired to get me to this point.  I am accepting of what is...and that is a beautiful place to be.

Suffering and Right View

Anyway...I digress. As part of my major writing focus these days...Suffering as a result of how we use our minds...I happened upon another dharma talk on the Noble Eightfold Path. (It truly is amazing how Buddhist teachings hold so much practical wisdom in them that could benefit all of us today regardless of what religion or philosophies we cling to.  It is such a simple, universal approach to dealing with suffering real and useful.)  This video was on the first step on the eightfold path..."Right View" .  Right view, from Pali,  can be translated as "Clear, complete vision or seeing". We can learn to see clearly and completely...what suffering is and how to transform it.

Wrong View?

Suffering is basically a result of being stuck in "wrong view"  or an "unhelpful state of mind" .  Most of us do not see things clearly or completely.  We live in a state of wrong view but do what we can to protect our views and ideas without stopping to consider the "wrongness" or the "unhelpfulness" of them in helping to make our lives fulfilling and whole. We then speak, act, think, intend, and live according to these views.  Action originates in the mind.  If the mind is not perceiving clearly...That is suffering.

The Choice

What we forget is that we have a choice.  We can perceive differently! We can choose to adopt a skilful, and helpful view that will take us from suffering rather than into it. We can than choose helpful, skilful actions.  But it all starts in the mind.  Perceiving and believing starts in the mind; action starts in the mind; and therefore suffering starts in the mind.  Thus being said...the way through suffering is through the mind and how we choose to see.

Whether we know it...what we really, really want from all we seek,  is peace, Love, connection with all we are.  This comes from accepting what is...not pushing away or clinging.  It comes from seeing clearly. Compassion, kindness, Love, wisdom...are the things that bring joy.  Self protection, greed, selfishness, over attachment and competition are the things that take us away from joy and into more suffering.

How are you acting, speaking and thinking right now?

So know first how you are acting.   What actions are you involved in right now and are they helpful or unhelpful; wholesome or unwholesome? Do they lead you away from suffering or into it?  Then ask yourself what type of speech are you using. Is it wholesome or unwholesome? Helpful to you or others or unhelpful?  Is it leading you or others toward suffering or away?  Finally ask yourself what type of thinking and believing are you taking part in. Is it wholesome or unwholesome? Helpful or unhelpful to you or others? Does it lead you into suffering or away? Make the choice for not suffering!

Choosing the "Wholesome" over the "Unwholesome"

According to Buddhist teachings we can choose the  healthier and more wholesome approach to living over the unwholesome approach that will lead to more suffering.  With our bodies, we can choose to protect all life (wholesome) or to destroy any life. (unwholesome).  We can choose generosity instead of taking what is not ours.  We can choose to diligently guard what we allow into our senses over loosely letting anything, even the unhealthy in. With our words , we can choose truthful speech over false speech; we can choose to build people up or tear them down; to be gentle and kind or to speak harshly; and to talk about what is truly meaningful ( dharma) or about what is meaningless (idle chit chat) .  With our minds we can choose to be satisfied with what is rather than endlessly seeking more, envying or clinging.  We can fill our minds with loving kindness for self and others or ill will.  Finally we can chose to  view rightly or wrongly.  The choice is ours!

Hmmm!  So, so much wisdom in Buddhist teaching that could make all of our lives easier and the world a better place.

All is well

Plum village (July 2020 ) The Noble Eightfold Path #1: The Practice of Right View/Dharma Talk by Br. Phap Hai.

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