Friday, February 14, 2025

Science Discovering What Yogis Already Knew

When there was neither aught nor naught, when darkness was rolling over darkness, what existed? It then existed without vibration. [Anidavatam= stillness]

The Rig Veda, 1500 BCE

The world is made of fields-substances spread through all of space that we notice through their vibrations, which appear to us as particles. The electrical field and the gravitational field might seem similar but according to quantum field theory even particles like electrons and quarks are really vibrations in certain kinds of fields. The Higgs boson is a vibration in the Higgs field, just as a photon of light is a vibration in the electromagnetic field.

Yes, it makes no immediate sense that " a change that doesn't make a difference" leads directly to a force of nature...but that is one of the insights of twentieth century physics.

Sean Carroll, The Particle at the End of the World, 2012

Insights of 20th Century Physics? 

The Higgs Boson  was such a big discovery in quantum physics, physics, and even science in general last decade.  It is changing the materialistic way we once saw the world.  It is explaining there is an unseen and subtle force  with great power...that there is unseen space on which vibration is encouraged to change into matter and vice versa. 

Modern science, however, was not the first to discover this.  Vivekanada spoke of this way back in the late 1800's and early 1900's, and even more awe inspiring he spoke about what was written in the Rig Veda, one of the most ancient written texts ever discovered, dating back between 1500-1200 BCE. Yogis made this discovery long, long before CERN.

All motion, everything in  this universe, can be likened to waves undergoing successive rise and fall...all we see-that is, nature herself-is progressing in successive rises and falls. 

There is projection...vibration ....movement and then there is a going back to balance, the perfect equilibrium (pralaya). 

Theistical writers in India for centuries have  compared the projection and pralaya of the universe to

...the outbreathing and the inbreathing of God; God as it were breathes out the universe, and it comes into Him again.

Matter was called by ancient yogis..."bhutas" external elements 

 There is one element eternal; every other element is produced out of this one. ...Along with this element, there is the primal energy called Prana. Prana and Akasha combine and recombine and form the elements out of them. Then at the end of  the Kalpa; everything subsides, and goes back to Akasha and Prana.

The Akasha, acted upon by the repeated blows of Prana, produce Vayu or vibrations. This vayu vibrates, and the vibrations growing more and more rapid result in friction giving rise to heat, Tejas. Then this heat ends the ligefactio, Apah. Then the liquid becomes solid. We had ether and motion, then came heat, then it became liquedfied, nad then it condensed into gross matter, and it goes back in exactly the reverse way.

All that we know in the form of motion, vibration, or thought is modification of the Prana, and everything that we know in the shape of matter, either as form or as resistance, is a modification of the Akasha.

The Prana cannot live alone, or act without a medium; when it is pure Prana, it has the Akasha itself to live in, and when it changes into forces of nature, say gravitation, or centrifugal forces, it must have matter.

You have never seen force without matter or matter without force; what we call force and matter are simply the gross manifestaions of these same things, which, when superfine, are called prana and Akasha. Prana, you can call in English life, the vital force; but you must not restrict it to the Life of man; at the same time you must not identify it with Spirit, Atman.

So this goes on. Creation cannot have either a beginning or an end; it is an eternal on-going. 

There is a pure, ancient, and Absolute Truth to yoga, that science is just now beginning to understand.

All is Well!

Carrol. Seam. M. (2012) The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads us to the Edge of a New World. Dutton

Vivekananda( n.d.) Complete Works of Sri Swami Vivekananda. 2.6.11 Cosmology in Practical Vedanta and Other Lectures. Kindle Edition

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