Thursday, February 20, 2025

Releasing Samskaras: Clearing the Mind and Body of Blockages

If the mind is clear, whatever you do or say will bring happiness that will follow you like a shadow.

The Buddha

I share a little guided meditation  I created for myself...I am at the part of my life practice where I really, really want to free myself of all that which has been in the way for so long. Like most of us do, I had created blockages and a thick veil from which I experienced Life with my resistance to what is.. Being that I was on this planet for quite a while, it is pretty thick lol. I now want to clear my mind of these blockages, this happiness follows me and all those I encounter around like a shadow. 

I believe samskara release will not only heal us individually but it will help us to give more to the world, to Life in an open and honest way. 

This video was made for selfish reasons...I wanted something to assist me in getting in touch with those samskaras within me. I have learned a lot in the gaining of a Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher's certificate. I might as well use it for my own benefit, if not for others, right? I also gain even more from the wonderful teacher's out there that have been doing this for so much longer than I have.  This is an adaptation of many meditations I have listened to over the years.  It is therefore, not 'mine'. 

Anyway, have a listen if you care to. Just because I am breaking a cookie in half and offering you a piece doesn't mean you have to take it, nor does it mean you have to like it if you do. I still need to share.

All is well.

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