Saturday, February 1, 2025

One or a Million

 If it is one person or millions [I am reaching] is the same message.

Guradev Sri Sri Ravi Shankara

I felt inspired to write that quote down in reference to my own little yoga mission....this very strange mission I have yet to completely understand that pulls me here every morning despite ego's protests. It is a misison that leaves me constantly asking, "Why am I doing this? For what? For Whom?"

The above quote was uttered when Guradev was asked the question, "What advice do you have for other up and coming spiritual teachers to build their infrastructures?" (paraphrased). He humbly stated that he never did and still doesn't get caught up in building infrastructures, that he simply is what he is and that he is doing what comes naturally to him. He was more or less saying that he was not attached to outcomes or to the fruit of his actions. He was more concerened about beingness.

He also stated that the way we truly impact the lives of others is not through our talking, speaking, or building of infrastructures...but through our vibrational beingness.  

Things happen more from vibrations...the state of being...than they do through talking or speaking [or building infrastructureness.]

If I really want to (or if the Something within me) really wants to affect change with what I do here I need to first be clear minded, pure in heart, and my action has to be completely sincere.

When there is right intention things start happening.

It doesn't matter if this action helps one or a million long as the intention is right, and the action sincere.  I believe it to be so.

All is well!

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