Something is pure when it is not holding objects inside of itself...when it hasn't built false forms and stored them...
Michael A. Singer
Wouldn't you want to be able to say...
Life is Life and I am fine with it?
Most of us live contracted experiences, all twisted up and caught up in our samskaras...closing every few minutes because we fear something out there may trigger one of them. So, as if curled up around these samskaras in a fetal position...protecting what we erronously assume is vital...we perceive and confront the world from that contracted position. How limiting and unwholesome that is. Imagine being able to stand tall...with no need to protect that thing that doesn't be able to be open and free to what life gives us without an ounce of resistance.
Yogic teachings tell us that purification can give us that. We just need to clean out the insides so that beautiful flow of light and love that exists beneath it can flow freely through. We need to allow for the release of blockages or samskaras.
I am making purification the most important thing in my Life right now. It is a process. I have an awful lot of stored stuff that is painful...that I have spent my life to date trying to avoid. I see how much it was in the way. Now, I want it gone...all gone. I tried to patiently wait for it to come up on its own as samskaras will do but man that is taking a long time. A lot of it is on its way up and it isn't sucks!!! I hate that it is still stuck to me some how. So, though I know better than to deal with the deeply entrenched stuff that may not be ready to come out...I want to help the stuff that is already on its way to come out. I need a little help to cough up this furball lol. I did a little guided meditation to help. I share it cautiously and somewhat reluctantly to appease this compulsive need to share what I learn, or create that even remotely benefits this human I call "me".
All is well!
Michael A. Singer ( February, 2025) From Chaos to Clarity: Unleashing the Power of the Mind.v=wNhe8Unqpv8&list=PLyOuAoSmZkKoESr2acNWwhznusbBkKXsT&index=1
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