Languishing crept in after a period of extreme stress, grief, or lonliness-a sense of low grade mental weariness that can be easy to dismiss, especially since indifference is one of its symptoms.
Languishing puts you squarely in the present and makes you aware of all that is going on around you, but it's not mindfulness; it's hypervigalence. In moments of pause, it starts to feel like you aren't really living like you once did, and too many things feel out of your control.
Corey Keyes
If I am being completely honest with myself I have to admit I am not happy. I am languishing in a muddy pool of discontent. soon as I wrote those last few words...I heard "Poetry time!" in my head lol.
Without further adue...I step away and let whatever this is do its thing:
Languishing in a muddy pool of discontent,
my body clock ticks and tocks
in awkward sporadic movements.
The slightly warped second hand can't keep up
with the butterfly movement of Life
that flutters beyond my grasp.
The malfunction goes unnoticed.
The busy world walks over me
as another hour, another day
and another year
flitters beyond my reach.
Water log?
A rusty spring in the internal mechanics?
May be these are the causes of my disturbance?
Or maybe it is the dust of a heavy life
that has been trapped for so long
beneath this cracked and creased face
I call "me",
that makes me lag behind the world?
Or maybe this mechanical failure
is due to the place...
where I strangely find myself
drowning in this discontent?
How did I get here?
I don't recall falling from
the comfortable pocket of safety
I once claimed as home,
through the hole that was always there.
I don't remember dropping with a splash
into this uncomfortable and wet unknown
but I am.
I wonder, as I bob in this pool of muddy water
thick enough, it seems, to pull me down
below the murky surface,
if there is a spring missing
or a nut or bolt loose in the center
of this human known as "me"?
I still tick and tock...tick and tock...
but I can no longer make sense of the rhythm...
a few missing ticks and a few missing tocks,
a broken sound deafening to my ears
but unheard by anyone else.
No one notices my nosiy, delayed existence.
They trudge through Life's many puddles,
disturbing the waters on which I bob,
with their dirty rubber boots
that tramp about, keeping up
with circadian rhythms,
so unlike my own.
I swallow the effect of their momentum,
choking on it,
ticking and tocking in my unusual way.
Surely I will drown.
I close my eyes,
I long for the silky threads I once read about
to emerge from the lotus flower,
a flower, I am told, that blossoms in such places.
I pray that if such a thing exists
it finds what is left of this mechanical "me",
that its feathery strength reaches out to cradle
this broken form in a protective hold
that will save it from drowning
in its own malfunction.
I pray for something to rest my weary being on
as this casing ticks and tocks
in anyway it can
until it ticks no more.
I pray for a rescue much greater than
what can be offered by a human hand
or a watchmaker's tool.
I pray for freedom from my 'self'.
© Dale-Lyn (Pen) February , 2025
Don't judge just came out.
All is well!
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