Friday, August 16, 2024

Not Feeling It?

 The question isn't how do I find love, the right question is why don't I feel it all the time? 

Michael A. Singer

Singer teaches that we are all capable of being inudated with love every moment of our lives no matter what happens. 

Why then don't we feel it all the time? 

It isn't because we have yet to find the right person.  It isn't because the person we are with are doing  what they are doing, or not doing what we think they should be doing.  That is just ego love based on whethe ror not they trigger our internal messes. 

We do not feel that continuous blissful love all the time because we block it block love everyday of your life, you make it so you cannot feel it. 

We instinctually hold the painful at a distance from our conscious awareness ...which meanss we stuff and store, blocking our energy flow. Shakti is always  trying to come up...we feel love when we are not closing over that shakti flow. Yet we are conditioned to close.

We don't need to  find love...we need to get rid of that which is in our way of experiencing it.  Samskaras.

We need to clear ourselves of samskaras ( the stored stuff we attempted to push away through suppression and repression) . We need to avoid that tendency to close over those samskaras so they do not come up.  We only create more samskara when we do that.  When we do not close...we stay open so   all of Life can come in and out, just the way it is meant to.  Stored samskaras can come up and out. We can become clean and pure. Shakti flows freely when we are. That way we feel  love all the time no matter what is happening out there ! 

Wouldn't that be something?

All is well.

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( August 15, 2024) How to Feel Love All the Time.

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