Even the deeply depressed feel a preciousness inside, that is why they are still here, and that preciousness is consciousness, ...formless essence. ...The Self is realized as formless and timeless but the mind needs to be told it cannot come to factual understanding about awareness, about that deep formless essence. We cannot gain "more" knowledge on this, we can only go deeper experientially. Form may then be perceived through this field of awareness. This creates a peace in us, but not necessarily a conceptual understanding. Pointers may arise in us that we can share and that may be helpful to ourselves and others but conceptual awareness of awareness will never expand.
Eckhart Tolle (Paraphrased to some degree)
Eckhart Tolle ( May, 2024)The Mind's Limitation in Undersatnding Awareness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrjHWpBQcFw
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