Sunday, May 26, 2024

Neutralizing Negativity

  A weak base mixed with a strong acid neutralizes the acid to some degree. We can do the same with our thinking. We can neutralize the negativity with some realistic positivity. 


This came to me a few mornings ago when I was waking up from  a bit of a restless sleep. And I was waking up with acid reflux.

Negative and Disrespectful

We do tend to focus on the negative, don't we? Here we are with this amazing expansive consciousness, focusing it down onto the tiny insignificant- in- the- bigger- picture drama of little me. We are obsessively concentrating on our thoughts and feelings at the exclusion of all else there is to shine on. On top of that we have the channel turned to "negativity" rather than "positivity". 

There are an infinite number of zeros in the universe and our consciousness is the 1 in front of those zeros. ( Singer, May, 2024) That then becomes the number of things our universe gives us to experience...Yet there we are narrowing and focusing our attention down onto a 0.001%. And out of that 0.001% we choose the negative.

We have cancer, disease, and death in the world, for example, and our attention goes there instead of the fact that over 99 percent of a lifetime there is health. There are these trillions of cells working together to keep us healthy in the face of all the stuff we are putting into them in terms of toxic substances and toxic thinking...(our fear and our doubt...our erroneous beliefs that we are meant to step in and control their processes). Do we honor and respect these cells for what they do for us without needing any assistance  from us at all? No, we just condemn them when they fail to keep up.

We do not respect the process of Life and even go so far as condemning it when it can't keep up with our expectations of how it should be. We choose to focus this amazing attention onto the 1 percent of time the body cannot keep up with what we are doing to it. We focus on the life processes that are not meeting our desires and expectations. Come on!! 

Once we realize that we are not the controller of these lives...but merely the experiencer, the Observer...we will naturally respect the process. Until then, there is something we can do.  We can start infusing a little positivity into our experiences in order to neutralize the negativity.

Respecting the Process with Positivity

What happens when you mix a strong acid that has the potential to burn and destroy with a weak base?  The strong acid weakens.  It becomes neutralized.  

In the stomach there is a very strong acid called HCL, Hydrochloric acid, that is there to break down proteins. Sometimes it, with other gastric juices, backs up  through the stomach's sphincter and seeps into the esophagus causing heart burn.  If left untreated  it can burn away at the esophageal lining causing permanent damage. If we, however, take a weak base in the form of a TUM which contains Calcium Carbonate, or a spoonful of Baking Soda, Sodium Bicarbonate, we can neutralize that acid and find relief. Consistently neutralizing the strong acid will prevent damage and will allow for healing.  

Like a strong acid, negativity has a tendency to seep into our minds and has the potential of burning away at our life experience. When we infuse our minds and daily experience with a bit of positivity, however, ...(and starting out after years of negative thinking  positivity  will be weak like the base in a TUM),... we can neutralize our negative focus. We can find relief. Once the negativity stops burning away at what is there, healing can take place. 

It will not be as simple as popping a pill into the mouth but it can be as simple as having some positive affirmations on hand to use before and after negativity starts to seep in. 

Realistic Affirmations Only!

I want to stress that the positivity needs to be in a "weak" form.  It has to be less potent than the acid so it doesn't cause an explosion. A Strong acid and a strong base together create a big boom. Even if they are not the strongest in the world, if they are equal in strength they cause a chemical reaction as well.   Have you ever made a volcano using Vinegar and baking soda? 

Our negativity, unfortunately, often tends to be on the strong end of the spectrum. Our negative thoughts are like very strong acids. If I am having some financial difficulty, I may be consumed with thoughts about becoming homeless. Strong affirmations that are strong and far fetched like... affirming that I have a 1,000,000 dollars in the bank when I am worrying about being homeless tomorrow.... will blow the top off of our volcanoes. It is ineffective and makes affirmations useless.  

Positive affirmations must be realistic and believable in a weakened form. I may affirm instead, "It is challenging to realize I do not have enough money in the bank right now.  That's okay though...I got by before, I will get by again.  All events in life: the challenges and the blessings flow in and out. This too shall pass." This base has positivity in it, but it also has a gentle acceptance of what is.  There is no resistance to what is which counters the effect of the affirmation. And it is believable. 

Fill your affirmation lists with realistic, believable truths about the nature of life, about who and what you truly are and you will reduce your mental heartburn, You may even find healing.

An affirmation list can look like this. 

Mental TUMS:

  • It is challenging to realize I do not have enough money in the bank right now.  That's okay though...I got by before, I will get by again.  
  • All events in life: the challenges and the blessings flow in and out. 
  • This too shall pass.
  • Nothing that is impermanent, ever-changing, and unpredictable is worth clinging to
  • I am more than this
  • I am not my problems, I am that which Observes this little me experience these so-called problems.
  • What is important is how I am inside...I can clean out my insides and be okay with anything Life offers
  • It is just amazing being able to be a part of this experience called Life, no matter what is unfolding in front of me. 
  • The music isn't playing for  "me" but I do get to participate in this dance
  • I have great respect for Life
All is well! 

Michael A. Singer / Temple of the Universe ( May 26, 2024) Living with Great Respect.

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