Sunday, May 12, 2024

Embracing the Optimal Zone of Difficulty

 The human brain loves a challenge, but only when it is within an optimal zone of difficulty. 

James Clear, page 231

The Goldilocks rule states we reach our highest motivation when we work on tasks that are right at the edge of our current abilities. We are really motivated in what we are doing when what we are setting out to accomplish is just like Goldilocks experience at the Three Bear's house: not too easy, not to hard, just right. 

We reach that Goldilocks zone, that flow state where we lose track of time and the  optimal state of arousal that exists midway between anxiety and boredom (Yerkes-Dodson law), when the task is 4 % beyond our current ability.  We feel intensely motivated when the task  is  taking us a small step beyond the comfort zone but only a small step.  Too big of a leap and it might too difficult leading to overwhelm rather than achievement.  Too small, and it leaves us bored and not growing.

The two little books I am working on now are hitting that 4 % perfectly.  I have never written about the writing process for children before; I never wrote about phonemic awareness before ( infact I didn't know much about phonemic awareness until I started writing this was a means to learn for me just as much as it was a means to teach). I am in the zone when I am working on them...hours go by and I would swear it was only minutes.  I am not too  bored and I am not too anxious! I am just right! 


We can, also, be motivated to grow and expand in life spiritually when we embrace the challenges ahead of us.  Let's make the most of those life challenges that are 4 % beyond what the mind is comfortable with. Take a small step out of the comfort zone you are stuck in. Challenge yourself to go a little deeper everyday. Learn in that optimal state of difficulty.

All is well.

James Clear ( 2018) Atomic Habits. New York: Avery

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( May 12, 2024) Using Life for Your Ascent.

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