Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Doing What Comes Natural


Whenever you feel authentic and genuine you are heading in the right direction.

James Clear, page 225

In determining where to spend your energy remember that which comes easier to you while bringing a sense of joy is a place you might want to explore.  Clear lists a series of questions to ask yourself  when deciding on what goals to set/ what tasks to pursue:

  • What feels like fun to me, but work to others? Studying, writing, sharing what I learn is fun to me while others seem to dread it.
  • What makes me lose track of time? Studying, writing, sharing...I lose track of time.  I am putting together what I have learned so far about teaching literacy to EAL students into books. I have no idea why but spending hours on it, losing all track of time.
  • Where do I get greater returns than the average person? Well...I am not getting many external returns but I am getting a lot of intrinsic reward from what I do. I keep dreaming though about tying off all my years studying by finishing a Masters and possibly a PhD?  See myself writing a Thesis and possibly a dissertation. Imagine! Weird I know, at my age.
  • What comes naturally to me? Studying, writing, sharing..teaching. Hmmm! No one ever said I was normal, lol
All is well! 
PS: eye sight has been a little less than perfect lately so I have been making oodles of typos.  Sorry about the distraction.

James Clear ( 2018) Atomic Habits. New York: Avery/

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