Monday, April 29, 2024

Practice Not Perfection

 Doing your best is a holy thing.

Michael A. Singer

Whenever I hear the ending mantra after a podcast from Michael Singer I feel myself a little lost. First of all, I have been trying to figure out what he says at the beginning and ending of each podcast. I cant quite make it out. I think he may be saying chardi kala...which is a sikh greeting meaning something like "May there be no negative emotions, nothing but bliss?" But I have no idea. Besides that question  mark left inside me, I also feel like I am saying goodbye to someone I was connecting with at a very deep level, someone who "got me" lol like no one else around me can.  It is weird but yeah. What is hapening to me lol? 

Let's talk about practice

Anyway, whether we are practicing the violin as we get ready for some performance at Carnegie Hall or whether we are practicing to be a little less reactive and resistant to what Life throws our way...practice in Life  is essential. Not only is it essential, it is a holy thing.

When we practice we can only do our best. That is enough. The best, as Volatire once said, can be the enemy of the good.

It isn't easy to gain mastery in something.  We need to work our way through the prestablished neuro wiring that is already there and build new pathways. This may be difficult and even painful at first, but eventually, with repeated practice, new pathways are formed and the new  habit becomes easy and automatic. (page 144)

If you want to master a habit, the key is to start with repetition, not perfection...You just need to practice. just need to get your reps in.  James Clear, page 143.

James Clear (2018) Atomic Habits. New York: Avery

Michael A. Singer ( April 28, 2024) Freeing Consciousness From the Fishbowl of Mind.

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