Thursday, April 18, 2024

Atoms and Atman

 The western scientist seeks for unity in the atom or the molecule.[ Remember this was said in the the late 1890's, long before the discovery of bosons, leptons, and quarks, when the smallest particle of matter was believed to be the atom.] When he finds it, there is nothing further for him to discover, and so when we find that Unity of Soul or Self, which is called the Atman, we can go no further.  It becomes clear that everything in the sense world is a manifestation of that One Substance.[What physicists are now beginning to realize.]

Vivekananda, page 193 Lectures and Discourses

What is that One Substance that manifests as everything? It is the One Consciousness. It is God. 

We aare that Consciousness lost in the objects of it.  Our evolution to understanding that occurs at many levels. 

All is well

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe (April 15, 2024) Exploring th Layers of Spiritual Growth

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