Need Your Help for Admin Issues
My readership has been way, way down for a bit now and I was just informed by someone that they were no longer getting my posts through email? I am not sure why or what is happening. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Since I began this blog years ago my stats have consistently registered "no followers" but I have had followers. Comments from others, I am told, also often do not come through.
I did not realize that since mid-July I have not been receiving any emails of my posts either...meaning that all automatic emails have ceased.
I went to settings and seen that email was disabled. When I opened that up I noticed a bogus email address attached to @ That was done without my consent. Was this an administrative thing and why did they add such an account? I am unable to edit that email address.
I have asked others to resubscribe but they cannot do so unless they have a yahoo, netvibe or atom account?
I cannot see where I can contact the administrator for help?
I have been through a lot and I am not overly trusting as a result. This may merely be an administrative thing, but it seems very suspicious to me. What could be happening and why?
If you tap into this incidentally, and I am assuming that that is the only way you will be able tap into it and you have an idea of what is going on please let me know in the above mindful serenity address...I appreciate it.
All the best ...
all is is well.
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