Monday, September 27, 2021

Can't Make You Happy

 The world cannot make you happy.

Eckhart Tolle

You get that right? 

It took me a long time to get that realization.  I spent most of  what I referred to as "my life"...hoping, anticipating, expecting and waiting for Life to make me happy.  I was so sure the special relationships I sought to attain and maintain would make me happy.  I thought "more education" would make me happy.  I thought a good job with a good salary would make me happy. I thought a house in the right neighborhood would make me happy. I thought my kids being educated, successful and pain-free would make me happy.  I thought getting well would make me happy. 

Sure there were moments ( and even years) when I found glimpses of this elusive happiness upon attaining these things but it never lasted...the things, if they came to be be,  never lasted was all so fleeting. 

I see now that the world was never suppose to make me happy.  I see how this happiness...or this "peace of mind" already in me, hidden beneath all the ideas, beliefs and conditioning that erronously tells me who I am and what I need out there to be happy. 

This peace is within us all...and we won't find it out there .  We will only find it by going deeper within ourselves. 

All is well. 

There is a depth to who you are that is not touched by the fluctuations in this dimension...a peace that passes all understanding...a space in you that arises...

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle (Sept, 2021) How to Find Inner Peace.

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