Sunday, September 26, 2021

Offending Readers?

 The wider your readership, the greater the chances for offending your readers.

Alexander McCall Smith

It is not my intention to offend anyone. 

"Why don't you write about that kind of stuff?"

I shared with someone today that I was getting a surge of hits from the tiny buddha site over the last few days. (I am so grateful for that!) I assume it was a referral  from a referral from the article I wrote in 2017 that led to the increased readership. That article, for whatever reason, resonated with a few people.  

It was suggested, then, that I probably should write more like that instead of how and what I write about here. There was a tinge of fear and embarrassment in the person's suggestion that implied that what I write on this site  is too personal, too "woo-woo" and too"spiritual" for those readers that may follow the link here. It may be disappointing and off- putting to these potential readers who came here because they were impressed by my article.  It was suggested that my writing would attract  and keep more "main stream" readers if it were  more "practical" and helpful in its practicality, like my article was...and less personal or "woo-woo". I agree 100%.

If my goal was to attract readers and to feed them only what they thought they were hungry for...that would be the way to do that. ...cut back on the personal examples and stay on that level of reality most of us are comfortable with.  And of course, I do want to offer that which others can relate to and benifit from wherever they are at on this journey through Life. I see all the struggling and suffering going on out there and I want to do what ever I can to help diminish it. I truly do...but.... I also see, after all the questioning,  learning and writing I have done over the years ...what the source of most of our worldly problems are.  So...I am pulled to get right to the root cause of all that suffering on this site. 

A Little Deeper

You really goes a little deeper than whether or not we write a To-do list or a To-be list.  It is about "why" we are so stuck on to-do lists, "why" we struggle with our work days and our days in general, "why" we are not as happy and peaceful as we can be. There is a big wound in our collective psyche. Sure I could slap an ego bandage on the worldly wound, with wordly advice and suggestions....and that will make us all feel better for a bit...but that is not going to help heal the wound. It will offer a temporary solution, cover it up but maybe even  possibly delay the healing.  Wounds , at a certain point, heal best when they are exposed to the air.  That is why there is so much "exposure" on this site.  I want to expose the wound to the air. 

We need to go deeper and this "deeper" is what most people consider "woo-woo".  I know I use a lot of uncomfortable terminology on this site. We, as humans, often  get so easily put off by certain labels, words, concepts, especially if they differ from our conditioned way of seeing and expressing.  People can get stuck and then turned off by words like "higher consciousness" , "presence", "Awareness", "God", "Spirit", "Essence" or "ego"  etc when they are looking for nothing more than a bit of  practical advice. We forget that these words and concepts are just pointers and in themselves have so very little power.  It is easy to  get stuck on the writer's words and descriptions, instead of seeing what they are pointing to...that inner dimension of mind and that space beyond the mind...which actually offers the solution to all our suffering. 

Just Learning 

Anyway...I am not here to convert people to my way of seeing things...not at all.  Even if that was my intention, which it is not, I am in no position to lead or convert anyone! I am still learning! And I am not here either, to deny what I am learning for the sake of giving people what they think they want to hear or read.  I am just looking for truth and sharing what I learn on the way. That's all! I leave the decision to stay and read up to the reader. 

So Dear Readers, those of you who are stopping in for the first time and those of you who have been with me for a while... Thank You. I am truly very grateful for your readership, I am. ...but, at the same time,  I want you to know that I am not attached to it. I hope you are okay with that? 

All is well! 

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