[When we awaken] we expereince the depth and mystery of Life beyond concepts.
Eckhart Tolle (somewhat paraphrased)
Serendipity, serendipity, serendipity.
I see it happening everywhere. I see it happening with this blog. I will read something, hear something, be inspired by a teaching or a quote in my morning practice. I will jot it down on a piece of paper with the intention of the possibility of it becoming my entry topic for that day.
Then before I write my blog for the day, I will check in with the readership stats to see what was read in the last 24 only to discover that what I jotted down is already in an article I wrote and that it was read by another in the last 24 hours. Sometimes the exact same words!
For example, today I was listening to Eckhart Tolle talk about the Power of Presence. At some point in the lecture he talked about looking deeply into the eyes of another person and seeing Presence/Self. I jotted down "Eye Contact poem" in my head and on paper, I believe. I was going to look up the poem because I thought that alone was serendipitous that I had written it years before I am hearing him talking about it at that moment. It was like a big "CLICK!" I thought maybe I would eloborate on that and offer the poem again. Then when I came here and checked out the readership for the last 24 hours...guess what entry was read by someone from all of the thousand some entries to choose from? ..."Eye Contact". Among the 12 entries read this day, the poem ws there.
Isn't that uncanny? Things like this are happening all the time...especially with words and quotes.
Yesterday I was reading Erin Fall Haskell's book and she offered a quote from Einstein about how science and religion are connected.. I said to myself..."man I love that quote, I will jot it down so I can write about it maybe. "
I came here and began like I usually do, to look through my readership. One of the entries that was read in the last 24 actually had this quote on it. I wrote this quote in my entry on March 14, 2017 and forgot about it.
I don't know most times why I come here. It feels that I am being pulled by something much bigger than me. And these are just little winks from the Universe reminding me I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing.
I like this kooky mysterious stuff. It reminds me that there is so much I will never understand and more importantly, that I don't have to.
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