Wednesday, November 20, 2019

From The Inside Out

The creative force flows from the inside out.
-Deepak Chopra

I am on day 17 (or is it 18?)( I have lost all track of time lately), of Deepak Chopra's 21 day Meditation series, The Path To Empowerment.   Anyway in this video he speaks of four A's that can help guide us to empowerment.  I, coincidentally, have written about some A's way back in an entry a year or so ago.  I mention that now because I think it so cool how what I learn or come to see as real, gets validated by experts later on.  I have used these four A's before in another context(getting rid of ego identification). The four A's discussed in the video, Four Aspects of Total Empowerment are:
  • Awareness, which is being conscious of what is going on around you and in you. Of course our busy monkey minds and our ceaseless need to "do" can take us from awareness. Make it a point to be aware of your present environment by using your eyes, ears, nose, tongue and bodily sensations to create awareness of this right here, right now experience.
  • Attention.  Once we gain awareness we pay attention...focus our will on keeping that awareness for as long as we can.  We focus on that which will keep us anchored in the present moment like our breath, or how our body is sensing and feeling at this moment.
  • Alignment.  Instead of pushing against this wonderful creative force, this energy of chi or prana...whatever you wish to call it...we need to line up with it.  It naturally wants the best for the we set our goals and our direction through life with that in mind. We go with Its flow, instead of "little me's" agenda.  We open ourselves up so it can flow through us easily.
  • Allowing.  Hmmm!  This is the biggest one I believe.  We allow this force to use us and flow through us.  We allow Life to be Life without closing up to it or struggling and fighting against it. There is something so peaceful and healing in allowing. Let's learn to say "yes" to Life, rather than "No...not now." 
All is well.

Miss my girl.

My blog of A's:

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