Monday, November 4, 2019


Every-thing is fleeting on the backdrop of eternity.

We have all heard the expression, This too shall pass, and likely erroneously believed it was straight from the bible.  Yet this passage actually was uttered my Persian sages long before the bible was written.  Its wisdom goes beyond religious ownership.

Eckhart Tolle refers to the going ons of our world as the "dance of phenomenon". This "continuous dance of form" is happening around us all the time...both internally with our thoughts and feelings;  and externally with events, places, people and the circumstances of our lives.

No matter how great the phenomena is or how awful, no matter how much it seems to add or take from our its temporary form...will not last.  No'thing' lasts.
This too shall pass.

There is no problem with the arising and dissolving of form as long as we can sit back and watch, occasionally play our part in it without getting "lost" in it, without seeing the phenomena as all important.  What is important are not the roles, the actors/dancers, the things or events but the back drop on which they take place. 

Who is watching? The true Self is watching.

How is the Self watching? In stillness, in presence, in alive alertness. It is watching without "thought".  

When is It watching? In the only time there is.... the now.

Hmmm!  How hard it is for so many of us to truly get that.

All is well!

Eckhart Tolle. (March 2016) Omega 8. Namaste Publishing.

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