Thursday, November 22, 2018

Peace Again

And we are at peace again, for fear is gone and only love remains.

The natural state

According to Patanjali as well as other great spiritual  philosophies, peace is our natural state of being.  The citta vrttis, or the modifications of the mind-stuff, disturb that peace.  (Satchidananda, page 4) 

Ego creates the mind stuff. We are peaceful until we let all that fear based ego thinking get in the way.

Control the rise of the mind into ripples

The Yoga Sutras  tell us that  we need to learn to slow those old minds of ours down enough, so we can see beyond the dust they create, to who we really are.  Patanjali taught that by controlling the rising of the mind into ripples, we can experience this connection with our natural selves again.  It will involve practice.  That is what yoga is, what meditation is, what mental control is, what mindfulness is...a practice.  It is a practice that takes us back to a mind freed of all the grasping, the anxiety, the doubt that fear creates.  Slow down!

What part of us needs to practice?

But if who we really are is already peaceful why do we need to practice these things?   It is the image you or the ego-you that does all the Yoga practice. not the real you.(page 222)

It is good to know that beyond this busy tormented mind, there is peace, there is joy and there is love.

All good!

Satchidananda, Sri Swami (2011) The Yoga sutras of Patanjali. Yogaville; Integral Yoga Publications

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