Friday, November 2, 2018

Beyond the Shield of Conditioning

The one thing or the no thing that never leaves you is the essence of the here and now.
-Eckhart Tolle (

Conditioning (that which we grew up to believe is real)  can be a thick and heavy filter through which we see and make sense of  the world. We often perceive based solely on that conditioning. There is, however,  a stillness that exists behind our sense perceptions. 

 This stillness is presence.  It  is awareness of that presence that will free us from our chains and make shadows transform into beautiful sunlit reality. 

This stillness never leaves us...we just don't see it.  We are often too busy focusing on what we can  see and sense with other physical senses,  before determining that to be all there is. We build stories and dramas around that judgment and see ourselves as characters in them.  

It all seems so real, important to so many of us  ...that never ending stream of fear filled 'unconsciousness'.  We identify with that not realizing that All that is essential is invisible (Tolle).

Just because we cannot see it or wrap our fingers around it doesn't mean it isn't real.  Presence, consciousness, is very, very real and it is who we are.

So no matter what happens around us or to us; no matter what story we tell ourselves or other people ...who we really are is something  that is never effected or changed by our limited version of reality.  The sooner we realize that and decide to live in the conscious presence of this stillness... the sooner we can step out of the caves we have created.

And it doesn't matter what the shadows are doing.  They aren't real. We can leave them behind any time for light.

Today I can forget the world I made. Today I can go past all fear, and be restored to love and holiness and peace.  ACIM-W-306:1:2-3




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