Friday, November 30, 2018

Conflict is sleep

Conflict is sleep, and peace awakening.

I just finished binging on The Haunting of Hill House. And like! Sure it was scary and I certainly jumped and screamed  at certain points lol...but I was amazed at the wisdom in the story line. This whole idea that conflict is sleep and peace awakening was expressed so clearly.  It really was a beautifully scripted allegory about how we are haunted by fear and shame and can be lifted from that when we awaken...when we confront our fears and see them for what they really are. Fear is a dream...(7)

We will all awaken eventually at death but we do not have to wait until then. We do not need to be haunted by the past and suffer our way through life as the Crane kids did.  Nor do we have to "end it".  We simply need to confront the ghosts that haunt us, accept the world that exists beyond what we can see or perceive with our bodily senses, look at time not as a linear line but as moments "falling like confetti" all around and embrace each of those moments.

I wasn't expecting to find so much of this "aha!' and so much light in a dark and scary movie said to terrify. lol Well done!

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