Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Facebook anyone?

Social media is not about the exploitation of technology but about service to  community.
Simon Mainwaring (https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/social_media)

I just wanted to let you know that I am connecting this blog or at least trying to, to a Facebook page.  Just click on the main photo and it should take you there if you are interested.

I am not overly fond of social media. As I have mentioned before, I am  concerned about 'the buzz' and the unhealthy distraction it can supply. I have stopped Facebooking personally a year ago and feel better for it.

But ...I also  really believe the world might benefit if like-minded  individuals connected and came together with their ideas and their offerings. Facebook does provide a wonderful opportunity to do that. Wouldn't it be nice to have more social media pages  that concentrate solely on finding a way to peace and fulfillment for all? The minutes used for that purpose of creating something positive  would be worthwhile, wouldn't they?

Besides I have been doing all the yapping and the tapping here.  I am sure you are bored of the one sidedness of all this. Maybe you have something to share. I would love to hear what you have to say.

I will put myself out there and try to link up with others doing the same thing.  (I am a bit social media impaired lol but I will try...). I would be interested in knowing how many people are in the same boat...waking up and wondering what the heck to do now. :)

I am not professing that I will bring any more people to a Facebook page than I have to this blog, lol, but I would like to try. I am not concerned about my pride and numbers of friends and likes and hits...if that was the case I would have stopped blogging long ago.  I just want to reach out and see what happens.  I would love to hear about other peoples experiences. Maybe isolation  doesn't have to be a part of the process.  Who knows? We will just open up and  take it as it comes. 

It's all good.

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