Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Impersonal Mind

 ..your mind has a layer beyond the layers of the personal mind.  It has been called the impersonal mind, the abstract mind, or even the purely intellectual mind.  This layer of mind is not distracted by the inner commotion caused by your samskaras.  It is free to soar unhindered into pure brilliance and creativity of a higher expression of mind.

Michael Singer, page 79

We do not have to stay stuck in the personal mind and all its petty woes.  We can extend our awareness beyond the personal...to the impersonal, or Abstract Mind, as Michael Singer refers to it in Chapter 16  of  living untethered. With this abstract or impersonal mind we can create beautiful works of art or solve the most challenging intellectual problems plaguing our earth.  We can do this...as long as the "me" stays out of the way.

But the "me" is the most important thing  to many of us. Preserving it seems to be our major goal and what we tend to use the mind for.

The mind is great; it's just not supposed to be used for storing all your personal preferences and then thinking the whole world is supposed to match what you stored. Singer, page 80

It is our personal preferences that get in the way of the unlimited potential of our minds.  The mind can do great things but too often, these preferences and this idea that "life should be here for me",  gets in the way.  If things on the outside are pleasant and something we, as 'little me' ,  prefer: " Life is great!"...if they are less than pleasant or what we don't want...then:  "Life is difficult!" 

We make our lives about pulling in and clinging to  what is soothing and pleasant to us, as individual self, and resist or push away that which is not pleasant or triggering to our samskaras. That is what we use these minds for. We personalize something so amazing and so universal, that has  so much potential to do so much good for the world, just so we, as individual "me"s,   feel good inside. 

Instead of being in awe that the moment in front of you even exists, you fight with it to match what you want. page 82

What a waste of our time and energy it is to preserve personal over impersonal and /abstract.  What a waste of our minds. Wouldn't you rather be in awe? 

All is well.

Michael A. Singer ( 2022) living untethered. New Harbinger/Sounds True

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