Monday, January 2, 2023

A New Year's Wish

 Sat-Chit-Ananda is said to indicate that the supreme is not asat[different from being], not achit[different from consciousness] and not anananda [different from happiness]..., 

My wish for you in 2023 is Sat-Chit-Anananda, which simply translates into  being-consciousness- bliss. 

Perfect bliss is Brahman. Perfect peace is of the Self. That alone exists and is consciousness.  That which is called happiness is only the nature of Self; Self is not other than perfect happiness. That which is called happiness alone exists....

Knowing that fact and abiding in the state of Self,enjoy Bliss eternally. 

Sri Ramana Maharshi, Be As You Are (Arkana, S.)

May you learn, in 2023, to live fully, mindfully and blissfully in the moment! 

All is well 

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