Sunday, November 27, 2022

You are the Subject; Not the Object

 Who sees when I see? Who hears when I hear? Who feels when I feel? 

Ramana Maharishi

I am reviewing Chapter 2 now of living untethered. There is a common human  dilemma discussed here, a question asked: "Who are you?"  Many of us are so busy searching for ourselves, we do not see that we are the Self we are looking for. We spend a great deal of our Life energy  trying  to identify and express our roles, our gender, our ethnicity, our status etc...that we fail to tap into and recognize who we actually are. We mix our own subjective awareness up with that which we are observing. We are not the body, so how can we be the gender or ethnicity we work so hard to express because of this body/mind?  We are not what we how can we be the role or the status we obtain or fail to obtain from the roles we take on? 

Your body has an age and your body has a gender, but those concepts are irrelevant to one that notices the body....Your skin may be a certain color , but the consciousness that notices this has no color at all. You are not your body.  You are the one that notices the characteristics of your body.  You are the conscious awareness within that is looking at all this...who you thought you were is not who you are. The same inner being is looking at your body, your house, your car.  You are the subject; all the rest are objects of consciousness. 

Michael Singer, page 9

Wow!  That is a little mind blowing, wouldn't you say?

All is well.

Michael A. Singer ( 2022) living untethered.  New Harbinger/ Sounds True.

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