There is potential in every human being for realizing in her or himself(themself) a state of consciousness that is deeper-infinitely deeper-than ordinary thinking and doing in everyday life.
Eckhart Tolle
We already have all the conditions we need to be happy within us.
Beneath all the the thinking, busy doing, story telling, and identification with self is the realm where true peace, happiness, joy and Love exists. In yogic terms we have Turiya, that forth stage of consciousness that we can always fall back into. The Buddhists would call this Shunyata and the Taoists would call it Kung but it is all basically "spaciousness." It is the precious empty background of our existence.
Contrary to popular belief, we do not need to strive to attain spaciousness...we are spaciousness. We just need to realize it. How do we do that? Through mindfulness and concentration we can gain insight into this realization. The energy of mindfulness makes things true and alive,Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us. By coming to the present moment, truly coming to it with mindfulness and concentration, and through embracing the miracle of being...we tap into our true spaciousness, into our shunyata, our Kung and our Turiya. Hmmm!
All is well.
Eckhart Tolle (n.d.) The Forth State of Consciousness.
Thich Nhat Hanh (n.d.) Mindfulness, Concentration and Insight in Everyday Life
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