In one fragment of my existence, I capture the whole universe.
Deepak Chopra
A quick entry before I take the dogs for a walk in the rain. I am releasing my hold and my need for more readership but my mind cannot get over the fact that stats are showing that not one entry written from Sept 2 on was read...yet I am getting readers according to stats and google analytics everyday. What is up with that? (Thank you readers...I do appreciate you.) My intellect still gets in the way sometimes and my lack of "knowing" and "understanding" what is going on here leaves me unsettled. I just follow my dharma and come here, releasing my attachment to outcome, but my mind will still pop in and say, "This is still really all of a sudden many of the readers just went "poof."
Anyway, offering some great insights from Ram Dass from the second part of the Breath Inside the Breath (Note: some will be actual quotations and some paraphrased versions of what was shared):
- We can go the long way in dealing with strong emotion by seeing them as something concrete and solid in our experience or we can go teh short way by noticing teh space within them
- We are deep in the do-do of personality, caught up n it and defending its rights and needs at all costs
- Does fulfilling your needs make you any happier than not fulfilling your needs? And if so for how long?
- How do we play our roles, have our needs met without being trapped in them? Realize you are trapped-not really- but you are thinking you are trapped. You cab be in them without being them....Play the roles just don't get trapped in them.
- Be a blend of compassion and emptiness
- In relating to others : My presence offers two bits of information: 1)empathy by letting them know we are all in this together and 2) letting them know we don't need to be caught
- The main approach is to make sure nothing in 'me' is keeping them stuck in their suffering and nothing in 'me' is demanding they come out of their suffering
- "I give people what they want because they don't want what I give"...spoken by a guru who felt he needed to provide miracles for ppl
- We can help each other to freedom
- Can you hear without getting caught up in hearing; can you speak without getting caught up in speaking?
- All methods and all identities are traps. Meditation is a trap. You don't want to end up a meditator-you want to end up free.
- Play the role of life -just don't end up trapped in them
- we need to stop taking the personality and the drama of life so seriously
- We will get it when we get it
- taking something seriously does not make it happen or go away any quicker
- couple of stories, I will share later
- Nothing in the physical world exists without consciousness There is no colour, sound, taste or fragrance ...all are simply sensations interpreted by mind.
- Emotions and thoughts do not exist without consciousness
- So the answer to the question about a tree falling in the forest..."if no one is there to hear it does it make a sound?" is "No!"
- The physical world is actually inside us
- Line from Gita??: In one fragment of my existence , I capture the whole universe.
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