Discover your divinity, find your unique talent, serve humanity with it, and you can generate all the wealth that you want. When your creative expressions match the needs of your fellow humans, then wealth will spontaneously flow from the unmanifest into the manifest, from the realm of spirit to the world of form. You will begin to experience your life as a miraculous expression of divinity-not just occasionally, but all the time. And you will know true joy and the true meaning of success-the ecstasy and exultation of your own spirit.
Deepak Chopra, page 101
Giving Up Expectations
Been a busy day. 3:33 and I am just sitting to write now. I was blessed with time with all three grandchildren today and it was worth a bit of disruption in practice: no meditation, no salutation, no writing...until now. I was able to squeeze in a bit of listening and some QiGong for which I am grateful. I also went out for a walk with dogs in the woods, after all children were with their parents, in hope that I would slip into a nice walking meditation but other than a few mindful breaths and a few mindful steps...can't say I got my practice in there. All what it is. Some days the world seems like it is laying out a golden path to meditation before me and other days it is an old country road full of potholes and mud. :) I have long since given up expectations of how my practice should be. As I was walking, I had a book proposal idea come to me And when I was rocking one of my grandsons I had a little ditty come to me that he seemed to like. So though I might not have been completely mindful all day, I was able to get beyond thought to the island of creativity within me. I love that when it happens. :)
Wanting to Serve I wrote in recent entries I really, really want to serve and I am not sure how to serve. I just know that I want to give the remainder of my Life away to a higher that goes beyond "me-me". I was looking into volunteering abroad, thinking too that would also be a wonderful opportunity for my daughter who struggles...for both of us to step beyond "self", use and appreciate using these amazing bodies that allow us to see so much, do so much, travel and above all help those in need!! And I so want to travel. We had to step back away from a trip to Crete that we were planning with family because of the finances...We were looking forward to it, would have been fun but unrealistic right now. Travelling is still very much on my bucket list so this volunteering abroad thing seems more up my alley anyway. I think I would prefer travelling like this, rather than in luxury. Don't get me wrong...I would have enjoyed that trip very much too but since I feel this renewed vigor to honor my calling to "serve"..volunteering might be the way to go.
Unique Talents
At the same time, I am being reminded in several different ways that the most rewarding service to provide is one that comes when we honor our unique talents and gifts. I mean I have nursing, teaching, mindfulness, and yoga teacher experience as well as elder and child care they may come in handy somewhere. I also have some experience working with the mentally ill. I know that would be of value somewhere. Yet, my real talent...or the thing that I am pulled and drawn to do is write, speak and teach about this eye-opening stuff I am learning.
Spreading Consciousness
Eckhart Tolle in, Learning to Suffer Consciously, reminds us that our purpose should be aligned with the purpose of the universe. What is that purpose? To bring more consciousness into this dimension, to bring more light into this world. I guess that is what I am attempting to do here in my most imperfect way and what I will continue to do whether I want to or not. I am being pulled. I see myself writing, speaking and sharing what I am learning. Other than that I have no attachment, no expectation of outcome. I just know, even in the smallest of ways, that is what I will be doing with my life as well.
So those are two ways I see myself serving. I, of course, also serve my family, serve my grandchildren, serve the animals that surround me and seek to serve others around me.
"How Can I Serve?"
So as this "serve" is in my mind I am reminded of it with almost every video that comes on, every book that I read. I listened to Wayne Dyer in a video I had not listened to before say, "The most important question we need to ask is 'How can I serve? " It is being reinforced nonstop and it is wonderful.
Deepak Chopra in, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, also suggests that we devote our lives to the true purpose. He states we begin, however, by seeking the higher self through spiritual practice. ( I can check that off). Then he says we should work to discover our unique and much-needed talents (check). Then we ask ourselves, How am I best suited to serve humanity?
So that is what I am asking, "How can I serve and how am I best suited to serve humanity?" I want to put that into practice
And as Wayne Dyer also encourages, our doing for others should be done without any attachment to outcome. He explained how most of the books he wrote were written without any concern about whether they were successful in terms of publications sold etc. He wrote them because he felt pulled to ( I can check that off). He said he was pulled to teach and speak as well and when he gets up on stage he just allows whatever is in him to come out without thought of the audience's reaction ( I would like to check that off!)
Detached From Outcome
This desire I have now to serve is not dependent on any type of outcome where I might be rewarded in anything but a bit of peace. I am finally detaching from the need for certain outcomes and it is so freeing! As I say this...I might also say that three-times today, by three different individuals, I was reminded that by letting go of a need for certain outcomes those things that we were seeking for ego reasons ...will show up. Hmm! We just won't care that much anymore if they do. Cool.
All is Well!
Deepak Chopra (1993) The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. California: Amber - Allen Press/ New World Library
The Prosperity Code /Wayne Dyer (May, 2022) It Will Come to You When You Let It Go.
Exhart Tolle ( July 5, 2022) Learning to Suffer Consciously.
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