Saturday, December 4, 2021

Serving the Moment

The person that has a mind that is clear doesn't have a problem with reality; they are in awe of it.  

Michael Singer

The moment that life is offering right here and now is not ours and it isn't meant to serve us , though most of us approach each moment as if it is supposed to give us something.  We like it when it gives us something pleasant and seek to get the same thing from all moments.  We resist it, condemn it, avoid it and push it away when it doesn't give us what we think ir should. This moment, here and now, is not an Amazon parcel on your doorstep that is supposed to have  exactly what you ordered inside.  It is not yours and it isn't mine.  It is a product of a billion years of Life  unfolding around us and before us but it wasn't meant specifically  for us.  It just is.

When we look at this moment, instead of asking, "What can I get from it?", we should  look at in awe and appreciation , asking, "What can I give it? What can I do , as it passes in front of me to make it and Life better for having done so?"  We would be much better off learning to serve the moments that unfold before us, than we are trying to get whatever we can from each. ( Michael Singer) 

All is well in my world.

Michael Singer (June 2015) Karma Yoga and the Surrender Experiment.

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