The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came so that they may have life and have it more abundantly.
John 10:10 (
Sigh!!! I was thinking about lack and poverty and scarcity this morning. I, like many, many people do, have some "financial worries". I have a deep "poverty'scarcity/lack" written in what seems to be permament marker over the white board of my consciousness. :)
I have no idea how I am going to pay my mortgage....none! I thought I let go of that worry...gave it up...but it crept back into my awareness this morning. End of the month is approaching and I have no idea how to solve this problem in the physical world sense. Then serendipity blessed my Life again with the video below...just as if it was on cue from a is so amazing how that happens.
Eckhart Tolle reminded me of this passage from John. I did some thinking on it and realized I was allowing myself to be robbed.
The thief of peace ( my big fat attachment to this idea of "me against the big bad world" ) snuck in through some window I left open and is here to steal, kill and destroy. Well...that is its intention.
But there is something much more powerful than ego...isn't there? Christ explains how He came to offer us this reminder of Something Greater ...this higher consciousness...God realization ...and how this , unlike the thief, ego is...will give us Life and give it to us much more abundantly.
What is abundance?
I don't think He was talking about paying my mortgage lol...though that would be nice. He wasn't talking about filling our lives with " external world things" that may actually take us farther away from the truly abundant life rather than closer to it. He was talking about being abundant in the 'stuff ' that really matters...peace, joy, Love and connection to who we really are and from Whom we came. His presence in our lives and in a reminder of that.
Adding a word to my prayer
I used to pray in my desperation, "Just bring me peace"...meaning that I was asking that my external life situations be changed so that I could have some peace. Then I realized I forgot a word in that prayer...a tiny but so important word..."to".
I pray now..."Please bring me to peace." I am not asking that my life situation be changed anymore. I am asking that I be returned that place inside me, around me...inside and around everyone, and everything..that is so spacious, real and that I can accept the life situations from there.
Ego can try to come in can steal whatever it wants there ..but if it can be stolen it isn't important. It isn't real. The truly important things cannot be stolen, killed or destroyed. Ego will realize it is just wasting its time on me. It will back off on its own accord and my life will be abundant in the things that really matter.
All is well.
Eckhart Tolle ( August ,2020) How can the power of presence help me overcome this poverty mindset?
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