There is only one life in which you are a temporary expression.
Eckhart Tolle
I heard this yesterday as I watching an Eckhart Tolle video on YouTube and it blew me away. It was like "Yes! Yes! Yes! I get it." It resonated in me.
Temporary Expressions of Life
We are all just temporary expressions of life as we exist in physical form. Our bodies and everything of this world will eventually die and fade away. The physical will not last. Yet we spend our time clinging and struggling to hold on to it, defending and attacking for it.
We think we are separated by these body lines we see with our physical eyes...when we are all just One Life expressing ourselves in physical form for a temporary period. Why? Because ego wants us separate. Ego can only exist if we are separate and are not aware of the Oneness. So it pumps us with ideas and thoughts to lure us away from that understanding. And so many of us, especially in the west, follow ego rather than Truth.
We suffer. We choose suffering over peace. Ego's way will lead to suffering even though it promises to ease our pain, to numb us, to take us never keeps its promises for long. We seek more and more of the magic elixirs it offers in the form of pleasure, comfort, more years to our life spans, success, achievement, recognition, special relationships, material wealth...and if we are lucky to get these things we seek, we cling with all our might waiting, waiting for the high ego promises. But it is like chasing the dragon...these highs will never sustain us and we will need more and more and more of what ego offers just to get a buzz. We will never get enough! We will crash, we will burn, we will lose and we will suffer.
Walking Away from Ego to Truth
When we realize we are addicted to ego we may decide we have had enough. When we hit the proverbial rock bottom...and realize we suffered enough at the hands of ego and its lying ways...we might then walk away from our attachment to things of this world. We may realize it was never the "thing" that was the problem but our attachment and need for it that ego inspired that was the problem.
I have lost a lot of "things" in the last little while...things I fought for, worked hard at getting, defended and attacked for, and clung to thinking they would bring me the peace of mind I longed for. They never did. It wasn't until they seemed to be removed from me one by one...that I see how insignificant they all were. Even my body and whatever it is somehow insignificant...Other than its role as my vehicle, taking me to where I am meant to go here, which is to a state of being rather than doing (that is where human expansion truly lies) is insignificant. It will wither away and die at some point...maybe sooner than later...who knows. I am not afraid.
Without attachment to the external world, we expand and we grow. We discover what we were meant to discover. We turn to the one Life that exists in this present moment, right here and right now, and learn to embrace it fully. Then and only then will we know the peace that is our birthright.
I am one Self, united with my Creator, at one with all aspects of creation, and limitless in power and in peace.
ACIM Lesson 95: 11:2
Video link to follow...once I find it again lol
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