Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Something Peculiar

The most common ego identifications have to do with......social status and recognition....and other collective identifications.  None of these is you.
- Eckhart Tolle

Like None of these is me...really!

Well I'd be lying if I said, after all my evolution,  I didn't still  have a big, fat swollen ego because I do! I just have the inflammation managed (somewhat).  So there are some things I feel confident I wouldn't do. I honestly believe I am far enough beyond my need for the good opinion of others that I wouldn't  promote myself or my blog beyond what felt "right" to me.  I could be mistaken...but...

Something Peculiar

Hmmm!  I have noticed something peculiar today. I have been getting this recurrent blog site on my stats since June. I like to check in on sites who are repeatedly checking in on me for courtesy reasons.  So I did several times wondering why this blog ranking site kept showing up.  I would obviously be of no interest to "Top 16"  nor "Top 16" to me....so why were they there?

Today I decided to scroll down and I discovered a comment from me on this blog site that promotes spirituality sites.  I am concerned because the comment for all extents and purposes looks like it comes from me but as far as I know...as far as I can remember...I never actually posted it.  So I am wondering how it got posted with my pic? Hmmm!

Is it my memory?

Did I have a menopausal moment where I slipped into some dementia fugue and wandered off onto someone else's site thinking I belonged there? I suppose that is possible.  I may have done something I would not normally do and completely forgot about it.  This menopause does some strange things to the mind, afterall.  Yesterday morning I spent a good half-hour looking for the tea I just poured and where did I find it?  In the fridge lol. So it is possible that I momentarily stepped out of my normal behaviour pattern and did something I cannot recall doing.

But I doubt it!

Just not me...

You see I am not one to actively promote my blog for all kinds of reasons.  I mean I will write articles and include my website on my bio giving like-minded  readers the choice to step into my world for a while to view the real me  if they so choose. I feel I owe the reader and the site I was published on that much. But that's it.  I do not tell people about my blog.  I do not use social media to promote it.  I do not seek rankings in any way shape or form.  I just want to write.

Though I love the visits and truly appreciate the readership I receive, I will never be one of those neighbors who stands at the end of the driveway waving people down. My house is way too messy with piles of imperfections  all over the place lol and I am not one for keeping up appearances. 

It is, therefore, so totally unlike me to ask to be on a site that ranks sites....not that there is anything wrong with that...but it is not where I am at. And it is not where I want to go.

I just cannot see me posting that comment and all jokes aside, I am sure I would remember at least something about it if I did.  So if I didn't put it up there, who did and how?

Other than learning my way around email, internet researching, and my blog site I am basically as dumb as a stump when it comes to this cyber world. So I am not sure how someone else could post for me.   Nor do I know how to remove it. I have to figure that one out.  It would be a little awkward to comment again to ask to have my previous comment removed but I may have to lol.

No harm done.  I actually got a few readers from it, not all of them appreciative lol, but that's good. I also assume the intention for posting for me  was well meaning.  So I am grateful for that.  Ohhhh! Maybe it was an inside job? I have some questions to ask around here.

Regardless...it is all good!  Why don't you check out the sites ranked on Raise Your Vibration Today https://raiseyourvibrationtoday.com/2015/03/14/consciousness-websites/  .  It is, after all,  all about you finding what works for you...not about the peculiarities in my own blogger life.

Raise Your Vibration seems to be  a great site with a lot to offer...as well as a great referral to other sites. Isn't it wonderful that so many people are waking up?

All is well I my world!

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