Wednesday, October 11, 2017

I am that

Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,
Love is knowing I am everything
and between the two my life moves.
Nisargadatta Maharaji

When you are lost and wondering "Who am I?"  ...try sitting quietly by yourself, close your eyes and listen to this :

The So Hum mantra is derived from the Vedic scriptures and Upanishads.  In translation directly from Sanskrit it means, "I am He".  The "He" is Brahman...the Universal Self.  So in other words we are saying, "I am that" when we repeat this mantra, because  "Myself is the universal self."

This is a chant without a chant.  It is repeated not with words but with breath.  We breathe in on the "Soooo" and out on the "Hummmm" ...(though it is said, in some scriptures, it can be repeated the other way as well and that mantra is referred to as the Humsa mantra). Humsa is also a white swan in Sanskrit which is the symbol of the "Universal Self". most spiritual things in this world cannot be understood by must be experienced ...just as union with the universal self can only be understood when it happens.
The writers of the Rudraksha Yoga site caution that this should not be performed without the supervision of a qualified Master.  Just saying.

It is so beautiful, just to listen to!

References/Recommended Reads:

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