Sunday, October 8, 2017

Doing Something about "it" Peacefully

I said 'somebody should  do something about that'...then I realized I am that somebody.
Lily Tomlin

My daughter walked by my desk when I posted those pics of the cat and dog the other day.  She noted that I was  jokingly referring to it as "animal cruelty" and pointed out that I "shouldn't be making fun of that." She was concerned that I might offend all the animal activists in the world who work so hard to save the lives of so many beings on this planet. I didn't know how to respond at the time so I just nodded my head and said, "duly noted."

Now I can respond:

It was never my intention to offend.

I appreciate all the passion, motivation and inspiration the animal activists offer as they do all they do for the betterment of all beings on this planet. I respect their position. I am grateful that they care so much!!!

I am aware

I accept and fully realize the suffering that many animals are enduring at the hands of mankind. I do not have my head in the sand.  I do not close my eyes and pretend it isn't happening.  I am aware. I just have a different approach than others to the suffering that happens around me.

I do not fight it

I stay aware...yes...but I  do not fill my head with it.  I do not "fight" it.  I try not to allow myself to be consumed with anger over the injustice or to blame and hate those who inflict such cruelty.  I do not "resist it". 

I truly believe that what we resist persists. And the more I am "overwhelmed" by the suffering in this world...I fear the more suffering there will be.

I attempt to seek a peace  filled world through peace

I strongly believe if I focus more on being peaceful, the world will become more peaceful; the more I focus on being kind, others will be kinder; the more I focus on being joyful and happy...the more happy and joyful the world will be...the less suffering, there will be.  If we want to make an everlasting change in the world...we need to make a change in our own inner worlds by eliminating the toxic emotions like anger, rage, resentment, despair, helplessness, and revenge.

I focus on  the deed, not the doer

I believe it is the deed that is unjust, and it is those deeds I want to focus on changing.   I do want animal cruelty to stop.

"There anin't no sin and there anin't no virtue.  Just stuff people do." (Casy, from Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath)

I forgive

I believe those who inflict pain on other beings are often unaware of the pain they inflict.  If they are aware they are lost in their own pain.  I also see myself in all other beings on this planet.  I cause pain some how can I judge or condemn others that do so.

The most healing thing to do is to forgive.

I take inspired and peaceful action.

The action I take may be small scale but I believe it makes a difference.  I support the SPCA. I am not actively saving a species but  I have six rescued pets that I love and take care of. I love all animals and make it a point to love and appreciate nature.  Even my shooting animals ( with my camera lol) allows me to capture and share their preciousness and their beauty.  In some small meager way that may inspire someone to care as well.

I try to use ease and lightness in my everyday approach.

I attempt to find lightness and laughter in everything for I believe that will help the world more than my intensity, my anger and my need to do ever will.

For example, I cannot help but to chuckle  a little when I see this:

Even though the circumstances that lead to that cone were very sad.  Yesterday she stepped into a trap set for a much smaller animal whose fur is valued as a means to make money.  She suffered two large down to the bone lacerations requiring several sutures. I am now fully aware of what happens to those smaller animals and it deeply saddens me. 
Yet, I know for a fact... Roxy does not waste a moment of her here and now resenting the trapper who set the trap.  She is past all that.  She is more focused on being all she can be now. She is focused on healing her own wounds.
I do not agree with trapping.  I do not agree with our human ego's quest for material gain through the suffering of other sentient beings.
I still believe on focusing my energies  on what I want to see in the world rather than what exists.  I believe I need to heal my own wounds first.  Anger, resentment and  a need for vengeance of any kind are wounds that need healing.
Kindness, Lightness of spirit and joy are things that heal.
All is well in my world. 

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