Blaise Pascal
How much truth do you think is in that statement?
I am not sure all of humanity's problems are related to our inability to be still, but I believe most of them are.
If most of us cannot settle our bodies and our minds for more than a few minutes at a time, what does that say about our ability to hear the real truth and wisdom that can not be found anywhere but inside? What does it say about our ability to solve problems effectively? What does it say about our ability to experience peace, love and joy?
The truth lies within. It lies in the parts of us we cannot see or understand using scientific tools.
Wayne Dyer in his book, There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem (2001) tells us that when we have a problem we need to realize that spirit has the answer, " As you learn to employ the first step , recognition of spiritual solutions, you will move to a state of realization in which you experience the power. You will realize that every kind of disharmony, discord or disease is amenable to the spiritual energy that is you." (page 7).
In other words we can solve all problems by becoming still and quiet so we can hear what wisdom or solution our inner Self has to share.
The Challenge of Being Quiet and Still.
Yet being still and quiet is not easy for many of us, is it? Ego doesn't like us listening to spirit so it convinces us the only way to solve problems is to do more. Ego actually creates problems in this way. So we have this incessant need to do to solve the problems ego creates. Wow! Do, Do Do! It is challenging for most of to simply sit still and not do.
How is it for us then, to still our minds? Making the body quiet is one thing but how do we stop that loop-recording of 60,000+ thoughts that continuously goes around in our minds? If we are not doing we are usually thinking about what we have to do.
It isn't easy to be still and quiet.
How long can you sit quietly?
I am going to offer you a challenge. I want you to go into a room alone somewhere and sit on the floor in the middle of the room. I want you to attempt to sit without moving and without thinking for five full minutes. Set an alarm if you have to. How easy is it for you to do that?
If you are not an avid meditator or someone who has practiced mindfulness, chances are you are going to find it quite challenging. Don't lose heart...just recognize that there is room for improvement.
If you really want to be able to solve the problems of this world while finding peace, joy and love...then maybe it is time you worked on being able to sit alone in stillness and quiet. Find a way to improve your stillness ability through a mindfulness and meditation practice that works for you. You might also want to read Wayne Dyer's book to help you to get going in this direction.
If we can not find peace in our minds and do we expect to find it in the world? Let's all work on our ability to sit quietly in a room alone so we can make the world a better place.
All is well in my world.
Dyer, W. (2001) There is a Spiritual Solution for Every Problem. New York: Harper
My article on the subject:
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