D. took this shot of me. I cropped and edited it a bit but he did the rest. My camera is complicated and I always have it set at manual...so this is a pretty good shot considering. ( I did not mean for that to sound patronizing in any way. lol)
Light on the Roof
Gentle rays,
warm and inviting
are cast upon my skin.
All that I really am
is pulled through the layers
of what I am not.
stretch out on the surface
of my mind
as if it were tar paper on the roof
of a college residence.
They lay happily and lazily there
reflecting the light
for all to see.
Their flesh is so much more attractive
and radiant
than the one I call my body.
They draw others to this mental roof
until it is full
of laughing, smiling and happy faces.
We are lulled by the
magnetizing power
that draws us out,
even when Its source is hidden
behind a dark cloud cover.
We are asked to Know
that the brilliant energy
is always there
even when we can not see it.
We will feel it penetrating through
even when the heavy weight of rain
seems to be falling on us.
We will hear it past the grumbling of thunder.
We will listen as It
calls out Love, Peace, Joy and Grace
to where they are meant to be...
happily dancing
on the surface of our minds
while their glorious light
radiates outward,
shining on the world.
Dale-Lyn (?)
Can't remember when I wrote that or why. Years ago. :).
The reference to the mind being tar paper on a college residence comes from my university experience...my first one. In March after a long hard Canadian winter, when the snow was still in piles on the ground beneath us but the sun was delightful, we would crawl out on top of the hot tar paper roof of the residences we lived in , in shorts or bathing suits. We would bask in the sun as if we were on the beach. There would be music blaring, Frisbees' and footballs zinging by.
It was a time of light, and hope and freedom, I guess. Much needed...considering exams were coming up and if you were anything like me in that first university experience...you had something to worry about lol.
I compare that sun on the tar paper roof to the energy of Spirit that calls us out of the depths of our minds to the surface of some greater understanding. Hmmm!
Deep, crazy lady. Deep!
All is well in my world!
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