Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Do All Things

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13, ESV

I love this passage.  The "Him" referred to is Christ in most versions of the bible.  Christ represents God on earth. So it is through God manifesting through human form  that all things are possible. 

Let's look at the term the Christian understanding. God is that powerful entity that we have come to believe in our monotheistic tradition as the being, looking very much like our grandfather,  who sits outside of us, "up there."  (Wherever up there is on a spinning orb :) ) He is the all powerful, all judging, all loving and all punishing figure that determines our fate. 

This God is going to strengthen us. This God is going to make all things possible to us if we accept His Son as His representative on earth and live according to His rules. 

Well I was brought up to believe, in my Christian Church,  that this God I was terrified of and in awe of at the same time would never  make miracles happen through me because I would never be the perfect holy being, Christ was.  I would never be worthy enough to accept such a role. To even think I could do a grain of what Christ did was blasphemous.

 Like most people I know I gave up trying to get promoted to the elusive  status of miracle-worker before I even got started.  Man the criteria was just too tough and the shaming that came from trying...another story .  So I adopted instead the very popular belief that I, as a human being, was and always will be limited in my ability to do all things.  I would never meet God's full approval therefore I would not be performing any miracles.   I thought I was okay with that.

As I began to seek answers to life's complicated questions outside the confines of my church...I began to question two things:
  1. Is this traditional version of God that I was brought up to own as a belief stuck in my subconscious,  what God really is?
  2. Since I know that my negative thinking is the thing that holds me back from achieving what I want in life....what would happen if I change how I thought?  If I truly believed I could do all things, could I actually do them?
So what is God?

I have come to see God in a whole new light.  I certainly believe there is a God...I honor and value that God in my life.  I am a true believer in that sense...but my perception has changed. 

As I study other religions and other philosophies, I have stepped away from the traditional version of God  I found in my early grade catechism books.   Part of me still clings to the notion of  He and Him because it comforts me but my questioning mind goes beyond my child like need to be soothed and disciplined by an aging paternal figure. I have trouble visualizing him  as an old man in a long beard with a big loud voice that would yell if we committed sins. I don't even know if I see Him as a him or as a being in human form, anymore.

Even through studying...restudying...what I was brought up to believe in the Christian faith...I see God differently. I am starting to see that God is everything!  And God's home turf is everywhere! It is even in me...this School of Miracle Working reject.

" nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There!' for behold, the Kingdom of God is in the midst of you." (Luke 17:21; ESV)

The Kingdom of God is within me and around me? Could that be?  If that is the case then how can He be a separate being "up there" ?  How come I have to wait until I die to know him if all He offers after death is already in me?

My questions led me to change the way I saw God.

So, I now see God as formless, Spirit that strengthens us, creates all things and breathes  through all things. God is everything and everywhere.  Most importantly I see God as described in John, "Anyone who does not love does not know God ,because God is love. (1 John 1:48, ESV)

God is Love.

So if I have this God inside me, this all powerful Love...why am I sick? Why am I so broke?  Why am I so physically limited?  Why can I not even create simple miracles around me?

If God is Love and this Kingdom of Love is within us all, why is the world such a mess?  Why is there so much suffering?  So much poverty?  So much war and chaos?

It took me  a long time and a lot of studying and meditating to come to the realization these things are not of God...they are of the belief we as a race adopted that leaves God out. We believe in limitation and scarcity so ego tells us to expect it, to fight tooth and nail to hang on to the little we defend and attack to survive. 

That stuff  is not of God!  That thought comes from  a belief system derived and maintained by ego.

Ego, as Wayne Dyer used to say, "Edges God Out."

God is Love not fear; peace not war; joy not pain.
God is Love!

Do All Things

We can do all things but it is going to involve some serious housecleaning of our subconscious mind (both the individual and the collective).  We need to dig in deep and find all those limiting beliefs that ego has stored and hidden from our awareness  and throw them out so we can make more room for God.

We then replace each ego limiting and destructive  belief with one based on Love and possibility; we replace doubt and unworthiness with faith and a sense of who we are and Who we have within us. ..  And wow!  ...We will have a brand new life and a brand new world to be proud of. 

We can eventually, as a species, do all things through God who strengthens us.  We can heal. We can expand.  We can create miracles everyday. 

As soon as we truly believe we can, we will do all things!

All is well in my world!

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