The great way is not difficult...for those who prefer everything.
Michael Singer
Can you learn to love life, all of life?
You were born and you are going to die. What happens in between is 100% your responsibility.
Wow! That was the wisdom picked up from today's talk. I agree 100% with that logic now, though I didn't always. I used to set goals like most of us do...I still catch myself doing it at times.
We tend to set up our goals like this: " I will be happy as long as I get everything I want all the time."
Is that realistic?
I too used to ask myself and others, "How do I get what I want to feel happy and loved? What do I do?"
Social conditioning tells us to, " Set your goals, look this way, act that way, work really hard to get this or that etc."
That is society's answer to that question. I used to play that game until I realized this conditioned answer was not the solution but the problem! Not only is the conditioned answer the problem, but our question is the problem.
It took me a long time to realize that if I wanted to feel happiness and love I had to stop looking out there for it. The wise ones teach that happiness, joy, and peace are already in us. Instead of focusing on that question then ..."What do I do? Where do I go? etc", we need to start focusing on why we are not feeling bliss all the time even when we do nothing.
"Why am I not feeling the happiness, love and bliss already within me....the sat chit ananda?"
The answer to that question is, "You are not accepting Life as it is. You are resisting and in your resistance you stuffed and stored so many emotionally charged impressions. You have blocked the natural flow of this energy."
When we hear this and really get it, it is like, "Wow! So what do I do about it?"
The answer to that one is simple too, "Stop resisting! And allow your insides to self clean."
''What does non resistance look like?"
It is a matter of just realizing that whatever happened hapened; whatever is happening is happening for a billion different reasons that have nothing to do with "this human" and a few that do. It is. You cannot change what happened in the past and only a small sliver of what is happening instead of closing up and sayng" No!!!! This shouldn't be!" which changes absolutely nothing other than worsening the mess you have inside...Try saying " It is! It happened." And accept it! Be willing to not only accept reality but to prefer it."
Things are what they are. Things happen because of cause and effect. We just need to accept that and relax into it. When we don't resist we stay open. When we stay open the amazing exprience of Life will come in, we will experience it, and then it will flow right through. We will stop storing stuff that blocks our flow. When we stop putting more stuff in on top, the old stuff already inside that naturally wants to come up for release, will be able to do so. That energy we want to experience...that happiness, love, and joy will push whatever is in its way up and out if we let it, if we stay open. Then we will expereince sat chit anada!
Wow! There truly is nothing to be done when we approach everything Life hands us as if we prefer it.
Stop preferring that Life be a certain way so you can feel happy. Start preferring everything Life offers you and you will stay open to the beauty and magic of this experience. Your natural and innate happiness, love, and joy will flow.
Yeah...that is the truth.
All is well.
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( June 30, 2024) Leraning to Prefer Reality.
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