That is the key- that is the answer-to be the witness for whatever is happening within you or around you.
Eckhart Tolle
I was thinking after my meditation practice this morning what it would be like to call this mind and body, this entity I call "me", "this human". What if instead of using, "I, me, my, or mine" I simply said "This human is feeling, thinking, experiencing this and that....Look at what this human is dealing with...look at how this human is reacting to this and that. So this is what life feels like through this human body and mind." As long as I didn't say it out loud in front of anyone with a psychiatric background lol, it may make a positive difference in my this human I call me's life.
Really...I are...we the deepest level beyond all our reactivity and our drama, beyond all our beliefs and our ideologies, beyond what the body is doing or not doing, and beyond all that is happening out there... awareness, are we not? We are that which is observing and watching "this human" and what is unfolding in front of it, aren't we? We are not the internal and external "dramas" it is experiencing. We are not that which we are so obsessively focusing on...we are that which is focusing. "This human" and its experience, is simply caught in the light of our much so we have come to believe that what we are looking at with all its problems and quirks is what we are.
When we pull back a bit we realize we are not that which we are looking at and have identified with. We are not "this human". We may be "in" this human...if we dare to use the dualistic terminology of in and out...but that is it. This human form and mind is definitely an important part of our experience here. It is like our space suit allowing us to navigate around this planet. We need to honor, respect, and care for it. How would we function without it here? But we are not it.
As we become more and more aware...more aware we are awareness...we see that distinction between it and who we are. (As we go even farther on this journey...we will eventually realize there is no distinction between anything...but for now...stepping back and away from the human identification is helpful.) The being in "this human" is starting to shine through. It is quite amazing.
All is well.
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