Friday, June 28, 2024

Just Be In It!

Life is a wonderful Dance. It is all amazing...even the mess inside. So, just be in it!

This human I call "me"

There is no right way to "right" life.  I mean I try to follow the eight fold path of Buddhism because of its pure practicality, and there are a lot of "rights' in there lol, but really when we go deep there is just life doing life and all of us mixed up humans doing human. There is no right or wrong about any of it. There is certainly wiser and more skillful ways to approach this life...meaning choices that will bring us closer to what is really important and choices that will slow that process or even impede it...but right or wrong?...Nah...I am starting to see more and more that Hamlet was right on the mark.  "Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so." 

I often ask myself, "Am I doing enough?" This version of life this human I call me is living seems to lack a lot of doing and a lot of having (albeit I am fully aware that I do and have more than many).Am I doing Life right?

For the first time in the 60 some years I have been tramping around on this planet ... I am seeing things clearly. There is no doing it right...In fact, I see that  "doing" is so irrevelent. What is important is the being. We do not have to "do" Life,we just have to be in it. 

Are you in Life? Or are you in your head, your busy doing, your distractions, your seeking and behaving, grasping and reaching for something out there  that you erronously think will fix your messy insides? Are you in this moment, right here and now, allowing yourself to experience  whatever it offers or are you doing whatever you can to escape it?  Are you living Life or resisting Life?

Singer reminds us that we are here on this planet for one reason are doing it for the same learn to handle reality....It is the meaning of your Life to have a beautiful life. ...Lift your thoughts up to reality.

The reality of Life is that it is all amazing.  Just being here is amazing. The bodies we are in are miraculous and amazing...trillions of cells perfectly capable of looking after themselves...growing, healing. getting rid of what is harmful. What we can do with our minds is amazing...the creativity, the beauty we can create. OMG! The planet is amazing. The experience of being on this planet is amazing. And we get to dance this imperfect but amazing dance. 

You know what is even more amazing? The conscious presence that we are, that is observing all these amazing things. That is even more amazing than this experience. Yet, we do not know that because we do not know that consciousness. If we knew it, if we allowed ourselves to be in it we would see the truth, There is no failure or success, no wrong or right...there is just this amazing journey of learning to do better. 

Earth is the place where souls are sent to evolve. It is not what you are doing it is how you are doing the best you can and whatever comes back is holy. 

So what is the mess inside all about?  I think this mess we have inside is beautiful too. Yeah, we put it there but then we get to have the amazing experience of unputting it lol. We get to heal and learn as we do. 

We just have to use every moment of our lives as an opportunity for learning how to get rid of the mess and do better.  That is a true spiritual practice.  Step back, as objective observer, and watch the human that is you trip and fall and get back up again. Watch it take ten giant steps forward and get stuck...then another  twenty steps forward and fall etc. See it all as the amazing dance it is.

Just be in it!!!

All is well in my world. 

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( June 27, 2024) Integrating Spituality into your Daily Life.

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