Are you willing to give up God in order to go down to the garbage?
95% of what consumes us as problems and drama is meaningless, according to Michael Singer in Monday's podcast ( I am a bit behind). Yet, 95 plus % of our life is spent there rather than on the One thing that is meaningful: Our consciousness, our true Nature, our Sat Chit Ananda. Most of us humans are caught up in our personal dramas, in an attempt to get what the mixed up mind wants in order for us to feel okay inside. We struggle our entire life spans pushing away that which makes us feel worse, clinging and grasping to that which might make us feel okay ( according to the psyche)...when we are already, naturally, okay inside, beneath the psyche. Who we are, at the deepest level, is more than okay. It is eternal conscious bliss.
If we want to be free, to be so called "spiritual", to be who we are...we need to let go of the attraction to, the pull of this very distracting thing we got ourselves all caught up in..."Me and its never ceasing drama". Not that is an easy thing to do. No, this pull, I am discovering , is very , very powerful.
The trick is to simply be aware of aware of the pull the personal me has on our consciousness; be aware that the consciousness is being pulled down or has been pulled down once again; be aware of the consciousness that got pulled down; be aware that there is a consciousness watching your "me" prance around in its drama. Be aware that that consciousness never went away, we just had its gaze pointed in a different direction...down instead of up. We were looking at the garbage down here instead of looking at what it was that was aware of the garbage down here.
Hmm! Something to think about.
All is well!
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( Monday 18, 2024) Witness Consciousness-Releasing the Powerful Pull of the Personal.
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