Saturday, March 23, 2024

A Yogi?

 A Yogi?

He who hates none, 

who is the friend to all, 

who is merciful to all, 

who has nothing of his own, 

who is free from egoism, 

who is forbearing,

who is always satisfied,

who works always in Yoga,

whose self has become controlled,

whose will is firm,

whose mind and intellect are give up into Me,

such a one is my beloved Bhakta.

From whom comes no disturbance, 

who cannot be disturbed by others,

who is free from joy, anger, fear, and anxiety,

such a one is My beloved. 

He who does not depend on anything,

who is pure and active,

who does not care whether good comes or evil,

and never becomes miserable,

who has given up all efforts for himself,

who is the same in praise or in blame,

with a silent thoughtful mind,

blessed with what little comes in his way,


for the whole world is his home,

and who is steady in his ideas,

such a one is My beloved bhakta,

[Such alone becomes  Yogis]

Translated exerpt, I assume,  from the Gita (Chapter 2?)where Lord Krishna is defining a true devotee to Arujuna,

and  shared by Vivekananda in Meditation and Its Methods, page 25

All is well.

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