Our own Self was so pure and perfect that we require none else. We require non else to make us happy, for we are happiness itself. We will find that this knowledge does not depend on anything else; throughout the universe there can be nothing that will not effulgent before our knowledge. This will be the last state, and the Yogi will become peaceful and calm, never to feel any more pain, never to be again deluded, never to be touched by misery. He will know he is ever blessed, everperfect, almighty.
As we practice our sadhanas, taking steps toward Self realization, truth, Patanjali taught we will encounter several signs to let us know we are getting there (well not really anywhere but here where we always were ...but you know what I mean:) ).
- The Dissatisfied state will vanish and we will know that we are moving in the right direction . Why? We will see that the external world cannot satisfy our need to know. We will no longer desire to know anything more or to fill our heads up with more knowledge and stuff from the outside world. in the form of concepts, ideas, rationalizations, hopes and dreams etc. Knowing thyself will become of upmost importance. We will turn inward in the path's only true direction. We will have a renewed faith and motivation to stick to the path.
- All pain will vanish. We will see that what is out there really cannot hurt us. As ACIM taught centuries' after Patanjali, "Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Therein lies the peace of God." We will no longer be disturbed by anything in the universe so therefore we will no longer have the need to avoid anything.
- Omniscience. We will gain full knowledge and understanding of the mind and the universe.
- The end of duty. There will no longer be anything left to be done. "If we understand the cosmic plan, we rise above all doership." ( Vivekananda). There will be no more 'musting' and 'shoulding' and 'ought-to-ing' or 'having to'. Thy will be done, will replace 'my will to have done'.
- The Chitta becomes free once we realize that our mind stuff is only in the way and we let it go. Once there is separation of the ego from the Chitta or Citta (mind) , there is freedom.
- Then the mind itself is lost. It is completely chucked off. Citta-nasa or mano-naso.
- Self-realization or samadhi. We realize we are and have always been established in the Self. We just didn't realize it until now becasue the mind-stuff was in the way. Without the mind stuff...Voila!...Eternal Conscious Bliss. Beholding the Self by itSelf, one is satisfied in the Self.
Sri Swami Satchidananda (2011) The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Integral Yoga Publications: Yogaville (page 112-116)
Vivekananda ( n.d.) The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. Kindle Edition (page 132-134)
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( December 14, 2023) Gyana as a Path to Inner freedom.https://tou.org/talks/
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